Subset and aggregate multidimensional data with data.cube

Jan Gorecki, 2016-05-04

R data.cube class defined in data.cube package.

Characteristic of [.data.cube

what's the same in [.array

what's more than [.array

what's different to [.array

Start session

If not installed use install.packages("data.cube", repos = paste0("https://", c("","",""))).


Tiny example

2x2x2 array vs data.cube.

# array
ar = array(rnorm(8,10,5), rep(2,3), 
           dimnames = list(color = c("green","red"), 
                           year = c("2014","2015"), 
                           country = c("IN","UK"))) # sorted
# cube normalized to star schema just on natural keys
dc =
# slice
ar["green", "2015",]
##        IN        UK 
##  5.821857 12.437145
dc["green", "2015"]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   2 rows x 1 dimensions x 1 measures (0.00 MB)
## dimensions:
##   country : 2 entities x 1 levels (0.00 MB)
## total size: 0.00 MB
format(dc["green", "2015"])
##    country     value
## 1:      IN  5.821857
## 2:      UK 12.437145
# dice
ar[c("green","red"), c("2014","2015"),]
## , , country = IN
##        year
## color        2014      2015
##   green  6.867731  5.821857
##   red   10.918217 17.976404
## , , country = UK
##        year
## color        2014     2015
##   green 11.647539 12.43715
##   red    5.897658 13.69162
dc[c("green","red"), c("2014","2015")]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   8 rows x 3 dimensions x 1 measures (0.00 MB)
## dimensions:
##   color : 2 entities x 1 levels (0.00 MB)
##   year : 2 entities x 1 levels (0.00 MB)
##   country : 2 entities x 1 levels (0.00 MB)
## total size: 0.01 MB
format(dc[c("green","red"), c("2014","2015")])
##    color year country     value
## 1: green 2014      IN  6.867731
## 2: green 2014      UK 11.647539
## 3: green 2015      IN  5.821857
## 4: green 2015      UK 12.437145
## 5:   red 2014      IN 10.918217
## 6:   red 2014      UK  5.897658
## 7:   red 2015      IN 17.976404
## 8:   red 2015      UK 13.691624
# exact tabular representation of array is just a formatting on the cube
ar["green", c("2014","2015"),]
##       country
## year         IN       UK
##   2014 6.867731 11.64754
##   2015 5.821857 12.43715
format(dc["green", c("2014","2015")], 
       dcast = TRUE, 
       formula = year ~ country)
##    year       IN       UK
## 1: 2014 6.867731 11.64754
## 2: 2015 5.821857 12.43715
ar[,"2015", c("UK","IN")]
##        country
## color         UK        IN
##   green 12.43715  5.821857
##   red   13.69162 17.976404
format(dc[,"2015", c("UK","IN")], 
       dcast = TRUE, 
       formula = color ~ country) # sorted dimensions levels
##    color        IN       UK
## 1: green  5.821857 12.43715
## 2:   red 17.976404 13.69162

Hierarchies example

Filtering on attributes in hierarchies of dimension.

# populate fact, dimensions and hierarchies
X = populate_star(N=1e5)
lapply(X[1:2], sapply, ncol)
## $fact
## sales 
##     7 
## $dims
##   product  customer  currency geography      time 
##         5         4         2         4         8
lapply(X[1:2], sapply, nrow)
## $fact
## sales 
## 99999 
## $dims
##   product  customer  currency geography      time 
##        32        32        49        50      1826
str(X[3L], max.level=3L) # hierarchy defined as list of levels and attributes on each level
## List of 1
##  $ hierarchies:List of 5
##   ..$ product  :List of 1
##   .. ..$ :List of 5
##   ..$ customer :List of 1
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   ..$ currency :List of 1
##   .. ..$ :List of 2
##   ..$ geography:List of 1
##   .. ..$ :List of 3
##   ..$ time     :List of 2
##   .. ..$ monthly:List of 4
##   .. ..$ weekly :List of 4
dc = #
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   99999 rows x 5 dimensions x 2 measures (5.35 MB)
## dimensions:
##   product : 32 entities x 5 levels (0.01 MB)
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 49 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 50 entities x 3 levels (0.02 MB)
##   time : 1826 entities x 6 levels (0.12 MB)
## total size: 5.53 MB
# slice
dc["Mazda RX4"]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   3135 rows x 4 dimensions x 2 measures (0.15 MB)
## dimensions:
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 49 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 50 entities x 3 levels (0.02 MB)
##   time : 1826 entities x 6 levels (0.12 MB)
## total size: 0.32 MB
dc["Mazda RX4",,"BTC"]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   61 rows x 3 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 50 entities x 3 levels (0.02 MB)
##   time : 1826 entities x 6 levels (0.12 MB)
## total size: 0.16 MB
# dice
dc[,, c("CNY","BTC"), c("GA","IA","AD")]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   164 rows x 5 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   product : 32 entities x 5 levels (0.01 MB)
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 2 entities x 2 levels (0.00 MB)
##   geography : 2 entities x 3 levels (0.01 MB)
##   time : 1826 entities x 6 levels (0.12 MB)
## total size: 0.18 MB
# custom order of arguments matching by dimension name
dc[geography = c("GA","IA","AD"), currency = c("CNY","BTC")]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   164 rows x 5 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   product : 32 entities x 5 levels (0.01 MB)
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 2 entities x 2 levels (0.00 MB)
##   geography : 2 entities x 3 levels (0.01 MB)
##   time : 1826 entities x 6 levels (0.12 MB)
## total size: 0.18 MB
# check dimensions
## [1] "product"   "customer"  "currency"  "geography" "time"
# foreign keys and measures
## [1] "prod_name"    "cust_profile" "curr_name"    "geog_abb"    
## [5] "time_date"    "amount"       "value"
# use dimensions hierarchy attributes for slice and dice, mix filters from various levels in hierarchy
dc["Mazda RX4",, .(curr_type = "crypto"),, .(time_year = 2014L, time_quarter_name = c("Q1","Q2"))]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   64 rows x 4 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 11 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 50 entities x 3 levels (0.02 MB)
##   time : 181 entities x 6 levels (0.02 MB)
## total size: 0.07 MB
# same as above but more verbose
dc[product = "Mazda RX4",
   customer = .(),
   currency = .(curr_type = "crypto"),
   geography = .(),
   time = .(time_year = 2014L, time_quarter_name = c("Q1","Q2"))]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   64 rows x 4 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 11 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 50 entities x 3 levels (0.02 MB)
##   time : 181 entities x 6 levels (0.02 MB)
## total size: 0.07 MB
# data.cube `[` operator returns another cube so queries can be chained
dc[,,, .(geog_region_name = "North Central")
   ][,,, .(geog_abb = c("IA","NV","MO")), .(time_year = 2014L)
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   737 rows x 5 dimensions x 2 measures (0.05 MB)
## dimensions:
##   product : 32 entities x 5 levels (0.01 MB)
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 49 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
##   geography : 2 entities x 3 levels (0.01 MB)
##   time : 365 entities x 6 levels (0.04 MB)
## total size: 0.13 MB


Collapse dimension to sub-aggregate cube can be done with `-` quoted symbol. It is possible to filter out on that dimension before collapsing it using filter similarly to .(...) as `-`(...).
Filtering on attributes and group by customer and currency.

dc[product = `-`,
   customer = .(),
   currency = .(curr_type = "crypto"),
   geography = `-`,
   time = `-`(time_year = 2013:2014)]
## <data.cube>
## fact:
##   352 rows x 2 dimensions x 2 measures (0.01 MB)
## dimensions:
##   customer : 32 entities x 4 levels (0.01 MB)
##   currency : 11 entities x 2 levels (0.01 MB)
## total size: 0.03 MB


Memory data.cube vs array.

# ~1e5 facts for 5 dims of cardinalities: 32, 32, 49, 50, 1826
dc =
## estimated size of memory required to store an base R `array` for single numeric measure
sprintf("array: %.2f GB", (prod(dim(dc)) * 8)/(1024^3))
## [1] "array: 34.13 GB"
## fact table of *cube* object having multiple measures
sprintf("data.cube: %.2f GB", as.numeric(object.size(dc$fact$data))/(1024^3))
## [1] "data.cube: 0.01 GB"
# ~1e6 facts for 5 dims of cardinalities: 32, 32, 49, 50, 1826
dc =
## estimated size of memory required to store an base R `array` for single numeric measure
sprintf("array: %.2f GB", (prod(dim(dc)) * 8)/(1024^3))
## [1] "array: 34.13 GB"
## fact table of *cube* object having multiple measures
sprintf("data.cube: %.2f GB", as.numeric(object.size(dc$fact$data))/(1024^3))
## [1] "data.cube: 0.05 GB"
# ~1e6 facts for 5 dims of cardinalities: 32, 32, 49, 50, 3652
# twice bigger time dimension
dc =, Y = c(2005L,2014L)))
## estimated size of memory required to store an base R `array` for single numeric measure
sprintf("array: %.2f GB", (prod(dim(dc)) * 8)/(1024^3))
## [1] "array: 68.26 GB"
## fact table of *cube* object having multiple measures
sprintf("data.cube: %.2f GB", as.numeric(object.size(dc$fact$data))/(1024^3))
## [1] "data.cube: 0.05 GB"

Memory cap is the most common issue on scalability. The is addressed by sharding fact table using class instead of data.table in fact class object. CI process includes basic testing of that feature on old cube class, it wasn't yet implemented for data.cube.

R single CPU limitation is now being addressed by parallelizing some data.table calls. This is now being developed in quite a low level and pretty well scalable way.
Sharding can also outsource CPU computation to nodes.